Actionable Financial Advice for Creative Freelancers with Kristopher Meuwissen


How well are you currently managing your finances as an entrepreneur? Are you paying yourself first and investing after getting paid? As a business owner, it’s important you adopt the profit-first model so you can pay yourself first each time without compromise.

Kristopher Meuwissen has been a self-employed financial advisor since 2012. He grew up in a financial advice household with both his parents running a financial business. He has an excellent understanding of what works and what doesn’t in finances and has learned how to employ a variety of approaches to benefit his clients.

In today’s episode of The Well-Paid Creative, Kristopher shares his journey as a financial entrepreneur and how to better manage finances as a freelancer. Listen in to learn why you should invest your money as a freelancer to start your wealth-building journey.


Kristopher talks about:

  • Define your own version of wealth by understanding your values.
  • Why cash flow is king in growing a successful business.
  • Profit first – learn to pay yourself first as an entrepreneur.
  • How to start investing your money and build wealth.


Here’s a glance at some of the things we talked about:

  • [2:09] Kristopher describes his journey as an entrepreneur; and how he applied his childhood financial lessons to find his career path.
  • [4:27] How to make financial decisions based on values to find success and happiness in that area.
  • [7:04] Cashflow is king. Kristopher explains why you need to have money coming in regularly or have the ability to make it for a long gap during payment delays.
  • [8:06] The importance of understanding where you want to be and what those thresholds are to get you to a better financial position as an entrepreneur.
  • [12;29] How to have a good financial mindset by understanding business risks and having the confidence and strength to jump when they happen.
  • [14:01] Tips on how to manage your finances as a freelancer.
  • [17:47] Why your biggest financial success is your ability to save money every time you get paid.
  • [19:24] A few actionable financial steps you need to take to better manage your finances.


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