How to Change Your Mindset and Build a Successful Business as an Introvert with Jesse Martin


Did you know you can build a thriving business even as an introvert? You only have to see your introversion as a unique gift that can be made to work for you.

A natural-born introvert, Jesse Martin found a way to allow his introversion to work for his business and help others like him do the same too. Jesse helps holistic experts… such as therapists, counselors, coaches, and practitioners become trained and certified in Hypnosis and NLP and ethically charge $5,000 to $10,000 per client.

In today’s episode, Jesse shares the tips from his story on how to become a successful business owner as an introvert. Listen in to learn how to charge your worth with your business without letting your insecurities get in the way.

He talks about:

  • The good qualities of an introvert and how to apply them to your business.
  • Stop comparing yourself with the way you show up in business.
  • Getting paid what you’re worth as a business owner.

Here’s a glance at some of the things we talked about:

  • [1:50] Holistic business coach. Jesse explains the meaning of a holistic business and how his experience with introversion led him to want to help other introverted business people.
  • [3:06] How to build a business as an introvert. Jesse shares how his need for helping others drove him to do business coaching, hypnotherapy and later learned how to build a successful business.
  • [6:14] Introversion is a gift that allows you to be empathetic- to feel compassion for others and be a great listener.
  • [12:17] How to do things or communicate in your own way as an introvert in business without comparing yourself.
  • [15:05] Recognize that you have the power to control your own thoughts and focus on how you react to critics of what you do.
  • [18:11] How to turn your side hustle into your main business by finding your gold and proving you can get paid what you’re worth.
  • [26:08] Realize that it’s just as easy to get paid less as it getting paid more.

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