Discover how to package your services as a non-negotiable line item in your client’s budget...
The three Key pivots
profitable packages
Create packages of your services perfectly designed to be profitable and easy to sell
(no matter what's happening in your client's business...)
Escape the feast & famine cycle and earn consistent revenue from a stable creative business.
in this guide you'll discover:
Prevent the awful feeling of discounting your services or needing to hunt through the freelance job boards again…
… and instead solidify your monthly income
( a.k.a cash flow you can count on! )
Hi, I'm Gabrielle...
As a web designer and go-to tech expert, I've spent the last 11 years working with clients from my home office.
And the first 6 years? I barely made headway. In fact, I had a huge pile of debt and a list of projects I didn't want to do, for red flag clients I didn't want to work with.
But then I discovered how to properly package up what I did in a way that made clients say yes and allowed my business to earn far more money than it did before.
These aren't just blanket tactics and strategies I think will work - they're the exact pivots I took to change my packages from "I'll get back to you" to "sounds fantastic! Let's get started!"
And I want to share them with you.
Copyright Ⓒ 2021 Gabrielle Chipeur