One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned is that smaller projects are easier to complete than bigger ones.
Cue the eye rolling.
Of course on the surface that seems true. But when we start to build businesses, or names for ourselves, or bodies of work – we mistakenly jump to big conclusions.
We assume that in order for something to be worthwhile, it needs to be grandiose.
I’ve learned the opposite is true.
It’s more often the smaller things which have the biggest impacts.
Not because they’re more focused.
Not because they’re better at finding the magic kernel of an idea.
Not because they’re easier to complete.
And not because they get us excited about promoting them much better than the big projects.
Even though they do in fact, have all of those qualities.
The reason small projects are far more important to a creative’s body of work is because they get done.
They get shipped.
They’re finished and sent out into the world.
Or maybe we keep them as a thing on our shelves to marvel at when we pass by.
But they get done. They’re complete.
And we have further evidence of our ability to finish things.
This evidence is far more valuable to a creative than an award or a project hitting it big. They act as mental signposts we can follow back to our creativity when we get lost.
Now, I’m not saying big projects or lofty goals or grandiose plans don’t have a place in our creative projects. Far from it.
But they should remain the elephant in the room. The one big thing amongst a sea of smaller projects.
And when there’s too many elephants in the room, or there aren’t enough small things to offset them, that’s when we tend to feel things like overwhelm, creativity blocks and that sluggish feeling you get when you’re just not satisfied with your work.
So the next big idea you get, I want you to ask yourself this:
How small can I make this?